5 Tips To Get Started In Photoshop – Photoshop Tutorial

5 Tips To Get Started In Photoshop – Photoshop Tutorial 

In this tutorial I share 5 Tips That Will Help you get started in Adobe Photoshop. I also call this “5 Things I wish I would have known when I started in Photoshop. When working in Photoshop, there are times when I figure something out and I say to myself “Many If I only would have known that a few months ago I would have saved so much time. Hopefully these 5 Tips will do that for you.

Here are the 5 Tips in no particular order:

1.) Hold Shift While Dragging Objects keep the object proportionate. When you hold down the Shift key while dragging an object (this could be a shape, image, or any other smart object within Photoshop) it will stay on a straight line. If you are moving an object vertical and you press the Shift key before you start moving it, it will stay lined up with the start point.

2.) Double clicking a layer in the layers panel unlocks the layer. If you go over to the layers panel and you double click on a layer it will prompt you to rename the layer and once you click OK it will now be unlocked.


3.) Pressing CTRL/CMND + T on your keyboard brings up the transform options for you to manipulate your object/layer. When you hold the Command (On A Mac) and Control (On A Windows) and press T you will then be able to transform that object.


4.) Removing a background by using the Magic Wand tool (Simplest way of doing this and the most basic) NOT THE ONLY WAY TO DO THIS! When you have an image and you want to remove the background the easiest way to do this is to grab the Magic Wand tool and then click somewhere on the background that you are wanting to delete. You then need to look and adjust if photoshop didn’t detect the background exactly as you wanted, and do some fine tuning. Once you have the back ground selected you then will press the DELETE key on your keyboard to remove the background. After you do this the background will now be transparent.

5.) Pressing H and moving your cursor While using the ZOOM tool allows you to select which part of your canvas that you want to zoom in to! If you have the Zoom tool selected press the H key and Photoshop will then Pan out for you to see your entire project. You will then see a black box around your cursor. Move this cursor to where you want to zoom in and let go and it will now zoom in to the exact location that the black square is at.

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