Is Elon Musk’s ‘Atari gambit’ just a sad bid for the internet’s approval?

Elon Musk’s desperate attempt at redemption is… working?

Elon Musk did a bad thing when he called that diver a “pedo”, didn’t he? Got a bit carried away on Twitter and went and called a bonafide hero a “pedo”. Slammed his fingers down on that keyboard and in a haze of misplaced anger, a rogue “pedo” slipped out. Silly mistake, he’s apologised, naughty boy.

But obviously, there’s still a lot of animosity out there on this here internet, so he’s gotta do something about it. Get the people back on his side. For starters, not call anyone a “pedo” again. And what he’s done to achieve this is a step in the right direction.

Elon Musk has decided to put computer games in cars. He’s collaborating with Atari to stick a number of classic retro games into the next update to Tesla cars:

Now there’s a scoop! Using your actual steering wheel to play a driving game. It’s like driving in real life. In the car you’re in. The real-life car. That you use to drive in real-life. Technology, eh?

Musk also added that “There’s still time to squeeze some more easter eggs in” so it’s possible to expect even more games on the way.

As long as there’s some sort of fail-safe mechanism meaning you can’t play them while driving, this is a good idea, right? Do you all love Elon Musk now? Do you like Elon Musk because he put a video game in a car? Have you all forgotten about the time he called a national treasure a “pedo”? Because of the games in the car? NEWSFLASH: Game In Car Nullifies “Pedo” Comment!

Nice Guy Elon Musk, everyone’s favourite billionaire, all sins are forgiven.

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