This Chinese Hacking Team Goes After Satellite Makers

FOSS4G – Hacking teams working away – Waterway Obstructions Challenge group
Hacking Team
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This Chinese Hacking Team Goes After Satellite Makers

Hacking Team
Neither mentioned a specific victim of the group. Crowdstrike said the hackers have stolen designs for satellites and aerospace technology, among other things. On Tuesday, a spokesman for the Chinese embassy in Washington said Crowdstrike's report is …

I-Team: Email Hacking Investigation

Hacking Team
The i-team has also learned that the FBI seized the computer of the alleged hacker and returned it several weeks later. The mother of the suspect contacted the I-Team's Andy Mehalshick and said her son would not be doing any interviews and referred us …

Iranian hacker team creates false identities to target Facebook friends

Hacking Team
In an unprecedented, three-year cyber espionage campaign, Iranian hackers created false social-networking accounts and a fake news website to spy on military and political leaders in the United States, Israel and other countries, a cyber intelligence …

China Hacking Report Questioned

Hacking Team
… security expert Jeffrey Carr, CEO of Taia Global, contends that CrowdStrike – which is in the business of selling information about attackers and their techniques – fails to prove that that the Chinese military is behind the hacking team it's been …

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