What’s Hot for Video Game Artists in 2012


It’s the year 2012. It’s the year to unleash your creativity with speed and mobility in mind. With the technologies available in 2012, video game artists are no longer shackled to the desktop. You are able to take your work anywhere, without worrying about performance.

Game Development Goes Mobile

The best way to recreate reality for a video game is to get out into the real world. Take your work where your muse is, with no graphics limitations. The Ultrabook is thin, light and mobile, yet it doesn’t sacrifice performance. With multicore processors standard in every Ultrabook, this sleek, responsive platform merges the luxury of mobility with powerful performance to run the most complex graphics software on the go.

3D on the Go

Three-dimensional gaming is in full tilt with companies, like Dynamic Digital Depth, that bring hundreds of 3D-supported games to the market. Rendering 3D technology is a CPU-taxing process, but with the latest technology, even the smallest computers can quickly handle robust 3D graphics.

More Speed = More Productivity

Smaller and faster defines technology in 2012. Computers are not only small enough to travel with you wherever you go, but also more powerful than the most advanced computers of the early millennium. Today’s computers can maximize multitasking and encode graphically intensive files in the background while using CPU-taxing software to increase productivity and performance.

2012 is the year of mobility and speed. Video game artists are no longer bound by the limitations of technology; they are only limited by their own creativity.

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