OnePlus launches an iPhone 6S case


The latest third-party cover for the iPhone 6S has come from an unlikely source – affordable smartphone peddler OnePlus.

Yes, you read that right, but the Chinese company has an ulterior motive: flogging one of its own devices.

The £15.99 Sandstone cover comes bundled with an invite for the OnePlus X, so you’re essentially paying extra to jump the queue for the £199 handset.

As OnePlus suggests, you can then give the case away to your “non-techie friends” for Christmas. They couldn’t resist that subtle dig, could they?

The OnePlus X is a design-first handset with specs that include a full HD 5-inch display, 3GB of RAM, a 13-megapixel rear camera, an 8-megapixel front snapper and 16GB of storage plus microSD.

The Sandstone case is available to order through the firm’s website.

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