Dogs Might Fly: Watch an actual clip of an actual dog flying an actual plane


The Sky1 show comes to an end on Sunday and we’ve got our hands on this clip of Shadow – a Staffordshire bull terrier collie cross – in the cockpit at 3,000 feet. 

Guided only by a handler and the odd treat or two, Shadow seems totally happy taking control of the plane and basically, everyone, life isn’t going to get better than this.

And what a relief that Shadow even made it to this point, as when he was scouted for the show he was just 22 hours away from being put down.

In the end, all of the dogs that featured on ​Dogs Might Fly ​ended up being re-homed. Aww.

Animal expert Charlotte Wilde, who was in the plane with Shadow, said: “We set out to show that dogs have extraordinary abilities and flight was the ultimate test.

“Each year 5,000 dogs just like Shadow are put down, but through this show we wanted to demonstrate just what remarkable and intelligent animals they are.”

Shadow was one of three dogs to make it to the final stage of the show along with Reggie and Alfie.

You can find out how they all did when ​Dogs Might Fly ​airs its final episode on Sunday (April 3) at 7pm on Sky1.

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