Sony Launching PlayStation VR Demos Around U.S. This Weekend


If you’re a proud PlayStation owner who has yet to try out virtual reality in some capacity—and, no, that VR shooting gallery thing with the huge, bulky headset at your local mall doesn’t count—then you’ve probably been asking yourself whether you should plunk down for a new PlayStation VR. Will you get motion sickness? Will you even enjoy the experience? Or will you be spending a decent amount of money for something that ends up collecting dust on your coffee table?

Sony announced earlier this week that the PlayStation VR will arrive on October 13, and you’ll be able to purchase it at one of two price points: the barebones PlayStation VR unit for $399, or one that includes a PlayStation Camera (which you’ll need to have) and Move controllers (which you’ll probably want to have).

That launch date is a number of months away, though, and we don’t yet know just how much inventory Sony might have for those interested in pre-ordering. If you wait until they’re released to go find a PlayStation VR to play with before you plunk down for it, you might lose your chance to get one for a few months.

Unless, of course, you take advantage of a big demo event Sony is putting on for the PlayStation VR. According to a new blog post from Sony, the company will be showing off the PlayStation VR with playable demo units at various retail stores over the next two days. This will allow eager gamers to give the PlayStation VR a shot before more preorders open upsoon.

“Earlier this week at E3 we announced that PlayStation VR will officially launch in North America on October 13. But we know many of you have been asking – ‘When can I try PlayStation VR out and see some of the great games to come?’ Well, tomorrow and Saturday (June 17 and 18), we’re going to offer PS VR demos at more than 30 Best Buy and GameStop locations. Starting on June 24, that number will expand to about 300 locations across the US and Canada,” reads Sony’s description.

You’ll want to check out Sony’s website (or searchable map) for the full list of locations that will be getting a PlayStation VR to play with. If there aren’t any nearby, you’re not entirely out of luck: you can also test out a PlayStation VR if you’re near one of the stops on Sony’s “Road to Greatness” roadshow.

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