OnePlus teases that ‘something special’ is coming August 25

OnePlus is back at its teasing ways today, hinting that “something special” is coming soon.

OnePlus today posted a video teaser to YouTube that appears to show a vinyl record playing and music in the background. What’s interesting about the teaser is that the inner portion of the record says “V2” and the middle looks like an earbud.


The teaser also urges us to “tune in” on August 25.

We’ll have to wait until Thursday to find out exactly what OnePlus is teasing here, but it could be a new set of Icon earbuds. The Icons that OnePlus currently offers are its first set, and so the new ones would be a “V2,” which is what we see in this teaser. Plus, the video teaser appears to show an earbud in the middle of the record, suggesting that OnePlus will show new earbuds on August 25.

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