Telstra Is Spending $250 Million To Fix Its Mobile Network


It’s no secret that Telstra has had some network issues over the last couple of months. But besides free data days, what is being done to address the problem?

Based on the results of a review into Telstra’s mobile network back in May, the telco is investing $250 million over the next year to improve network resiliency, reliability and capacity.

Telstra CEO Andrew Penn said in a blog post he understands that customers choose Telstra for network reliability — which is increasingly important in a world where we use that network to do more and more every day, and where other companies use Telstra’s network to provide new services to their own customers.

The volume of traffic on the network has grown significantly, Penn says, and will only increase over time with the rate and pace of technology innovation that we are all experiencing.

“Over the past few months we have experienced some network interruptions that have impacted you, our customers,” Penn says. “All of us at Telstra are deeply sorry for the inconvenience this has caused. I am writing this note today to update you on what we are continuing to do to address these issues.”

In addition to the review in May, Telstra also recently completed an end-to-end review of its core network and IT systems, pinpointing sources of potential risk.

“As a result of this work we will be investing $250 million from our existing capital program, within our 15 per cent capex to sales ratio, over the next 6 to 12 months to provide a higher degree of network resilience and improved network performance,” Penn says.

Investment will occur in three key areas — enhancing the mobile network’s resiliency (to improve recovery time and create more effective real time monitoring), improving reliability and resiliency within the core network and increasing current ADSL broadband capacity to meet increasing customer demand.

Penn says he is committed to continuing to invest in building the durability and capability of Telstra’s network, and in the telco’s ability to respond quickly if things do go wrong to minimise the impact on customers. “For example,” he states, “changes already made mean that our recovery time on the mobile network has been substantially improved.”

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