The Tom’s Hardware Definitive List Of PC Games (Updated)

With only 24 hours left, now’s the time to get out there and vote! If you’ve already cast your vote, head to the PC Gaming forums and let us know what games you voted on and why. Click here to vote on the Tom’s Hardware Definitive List of PC Games.

Original article, 5/24/17, 1:30pm PT:

Are we living in a new “golden age” for PC Gaming? Of course, it’s impossible to give a definitive answer. The distance of time and a heaping dose of nostalgia are both prerequisites for any “golden age.” And although it may be easy to argue the merits of one generation over another, one thing is abundantly clear: PC Gaming in 2017 is more widespread and more accessible than ever before.

The maturation of digital distribution, a new diversity of platforms, and the adoption of the x86 CPU architecture by console manufactures have together created the perfect environment for a PC Gaming renaissance. PC Gamers have access to more games than ever before, including overlooked titles from past generations and current games that would have been either too costly or too difficult to port. Games are so ubiquitous that you’re more likely to hear complaints of having too manygames, rather than too few. The number of “good” games is now so great that even the hardest-core gamers struggle in their search to find the very best.


To help navigate this brave new world for gaming, Tom’s Hardware is in the process of assembling the definitive list of PC games in a number of genres. We’ve already put a few lists together, but the number of titles is lacking.

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