5 ultra hyped games that are coming soon and what to play while you wait

Drool over some of the tastiest titles to tease us from this year’s E3 expo, then sate your cravings with a similar, on-the-market game

Waiting for that new console/PC game? Waiting for pay-day to afford those high retail prices? Why not try these amazing alternatives to beat the waiting game; maybe even get some training ready for that eventual digital masterpiece to arrive.


Death Stranding

Technologically confusing, but very exciting

While you wait: For a dose of something post-apocalyptic try 2012’s survivalist horror Deadlight about a park ranger trying to find his family after the zombies have descended

Release date: TBC (with a ‘latest date’ set for 2019)



One character, no instructions…best of luck

While you wait: Pick up on the boutique oddness of Playstation Network classic Noby Noby Boy. Can computer games be truly surreal? This screams a resounding yes. Do yourself a favour and bone up on it, here.


Crackdown 3

Terry Crews is in it? Awesome!

While you wait: For a similar blend of humour and solemn destruction, try third-person shooter Saints Row IV. If nothing else you’ll get the bass-heavy pleasure of firing a “dubstep gun”, which is a gun that, when fired, plays… we’ll leave Poirot to work this one out.

Marvel’s Spider-Man

Forever posing for the camera’s

While you wait: You’d have to go back over a decade to the aforementioned and last high-quality Spidey offering, so why not revisit 2013’s Deadpool game and go to battle with the fourth wall instead?

Release date: 7 September, 2018


Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Endless classic

While you wait: If you’ve already got a Switch, you could do a lot worse than Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze. But if you must play on the train, please remember, when we say “excuse me mate”, we really mean if you don’t move immediately we will smash your little gameboy toy on the ground and stamp on the plastic until it squeals.

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