Have you got what it takes to become an emoji translator?


We all know what the aubergine emoji stands for (PENIS) and what the peach means (ARSE) – but try figuring out this intriguing sequence: ♉️?????????????????

OK, we’re just messing with you, it means sod all…

But we’re not messing with you when we say there’s an actual language firm in London advertising an emoji translator job and to be honest, we want it.

The agency, Today Translations, is “looking for the right person to help us meet the translation challenges posed by the world’s fastest-growing language”.

“Emoji translation is itself an emerging field – but one dominated to date by software, which is often insensitive to the many cultural differences in usage and interpretation,” the job ad reads.

“We are therefore seeking an exceptional individual to provide the human touch needed where translation software is inadequate – and to help us become the go-to translation experts in this area.


“A practical test of emoji knowledge/skills may be given.”

According to the BBC, the agency has received over 30 applications for the job so far, with the company’s CEO Jurga Zilinskiene hoping to employ someone on a freelance basis at the beginning of 2017.

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