How to tell if you’re one of the 143 million Americans affected by the Equifax hack

I followed those steps, and received no such notification. Maybe that means I’m one of the lucky ones. Or maybe it means Equifax is still working out the bugs.

My colleague, however, had a slightly different experience. She went through the above process and did receive a message.

It’s that kind of consistency that really inspires confidence, ya know? Especially when followed by a pitch to sign up for Equifax’s TrustedID Premier — the company’s credit monitoring program — even if it is offering the service to US customers free of charge for one year.

If the internet isn’t your thing, you can dial up the “dedicated call center at 866-447-7559, which the company set up to assist consumers.” However, things don’t seem to be going so well over there.

We reached out to Equifax for clarification, but have received no response. We’ll update this when and if we hear back.

But don’t stress out about the website or call center, as the agency also plans to “send direct mail notices to consumers whose credit card numbers or dispute documents with personal identifying information were impacted.”

So keep your eyes on your mailboxes — you might be soon receiving an unwelcome surprise.

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