These 31 Photos Prove How Hilarious the 9-5 Life Can Be

Most everyone who hasn’t worked a corporate job may imagine that working in an office is boring and repetitive. Well, it may be the latter occasionally, but it can also get pretty wild at times – especially when you’ve got some jokesters on the team.

The kind of time someone has at work largely depends on their coworkers.  Of course, that can go either way and you can end up having someone in the office that say…keeps taking your yogurt when it’s clearly labeled with your name. The food bandit is a common phenomenon among office workers. But these photos of the 9-5 life are anything but common, and they prove just how hilarious the office can be.

Don’t go breaking my heart

This April Fool’s joke is downright cruel. Picture this: you’re tired and grumpy going into work on a rainy Monday morning. You’re already running a bit late because nothing seems to be going your way and now, you’ve got to skip breakfast. You get to the office and make a beeline for the coffee table, only to have a momentary glimpse of hope in the form of a Krispy Kreme donut box. Your mouth starts to water as you think about biting into that sugary jelly donut. You flip the box open in anticipation and discover…that someone in your office apparently has a death wish.

Well, the boss has been trying to get everyone in the office to eat healthier, so it probably didn’t come as that much of a surprise. They filled the pastry boxes with veggies, of all things. It could have been worse, though. At least they decided to include the ranch dressing! But no matter how delicious crisp vegetables can be (especially with ranch) it doesn’t compare to the awesomeness of a fresh donut from Krispy Kreme.

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