The Future of Development Is in the Cloud: Say Hello to MacroVerse

At HUAWEI CONNECT 2021 last week, Kang Ning, President of Global Cloud Ecosystem for Huawei announced the MacroVerse aPaaS solution. In this post, we take a look at the features of MacroVerse and what it means for developers.

In today’s digital-first world, new enterprise applications are needed faster than ever before to solve pressing problems in unique scenarios across every industry.

Rather than starting from scratch every time, many apps could potentially be built quickly with industry-specific starter kits and pre-made building blocks that quickly solve the main problem, before being customized further to fit the exact situation the enterprise is facing.

Let’s take the manufacturing industry as an example. Currently, software solutions and cloud services need to be cobbled together from many different vendors, often with varying degrees of interoperability. Buying, setting up, configuring, and deploying is incredibly complicated and prone to risks and delays.

Since application development and rollout in manufacturing is currently so slow and manual, you may think this is an industry that is ripe for improvement, since in theory, the idea of a starter-kit and using building blocks is simple.

However, the problem with this approach is that most development platforms do not have a rich library of kits that are either large enough in variety or quantity, or reliably supported by trusted partners.

Also, there is a missing ecosystem to connect developers to different industry expert providers, who in turn must be sufficiently incentivized to contribute their best expertise knowledge, templates, assets, and components.

Without a neutral and trusted meeting place, each expert provider is forced to create their own “walled garden” with limited options, which ends up creating more complication for end users.

MacroVerse: A One-stop Application Platform-as-a-Service (aPaaS)

MacroVerse is a new cloud-based application development platform, allowing teams of developers and partners to quickly build apps with best practice industry starter-kits, trade assets on a code marketplace, and use components to launch cloud-powered Software as a Service (SaaS) applications faster than ever before.

The basic idea behind MacroVerse is to connect developers in industry (who have urgent needs to deliver digital transformation in their organizations) with experienced partners (who have best practice expertise in those industries). And since everything is cloud-based, the component assembly, coding, and deployment to production can all be easily done in one place online with HUAWEI CLOUD tools and services.

How MacroVerse Works & How It Is Different

There are in essence, three parts to MacroVerse:

First, the Capability layer: made up of domain starter development kits for industries such as finance, e-commerce, media, automobile, healthcare, education, or manufacturing. There are already 128 development kits and 20,000 APIs on MacroVerse, most of which are built by partners.

Second, the Market layer: a trusted marketplace for application components, data adapters, data models, data standards, and AI algorithms. There are currently over 100+ assets (and growing) that can be traded, allowing developers to order the combination that suits their situation.

Third, the Smart Stage layer: all the components for building and adopting SaaS apps come together. For builders, there are kits for message, data, and workflow integration, as well as functionality for deployment, operations, and maintenance. For end-user enterprises there are modules for billing, subscription, and an intuitive visual ‘lite app’ builder.

The unique aspect of MacroVerse is that it acts as a neutral meeting point, delivering Expertise as a Service for developer, allowing them to apply existing knowledge and problem-solving experience from expert partners, assemble solutions, and use them out of the box.

What Else is Huawei Offering Developers and Partners?

To build a thriving ecosystem, you need long-term commitment to both developers and partners backed up with incentives that encourage everyone to take part.

For developers, the updated Huawei CloudIDE offers integration with AppCube, a low-code development platform, AI-assisted coding, with all the benefits of a desktop IDE but with a dev environment in the cloud.

There are also more benefits coming soon for the HUAWEI CLOUD Developer Platform, with a US$100 million investment to grow the program with better support, discounted cloud resources, events, courses, and certification vouchers to reach tens of millions of developers around the world.

For partners, better app distribution is supported with a Marketplace-as-a-Service platform, allowing them to set up portals to serve clients or internal stakeholders with a private app store.

The Future for MacroVerse

By combining the power of HUAWEI CLOUD and HUAWEI Mobile Services (also known as our Cloud + Cloud strategy), the long-term goal of MacroVerse is to deliver an industry vertical aPaaS platform that will benefit both developers and partners.

MacroVerse is currently available in the Chinese mainland, with the product team working hard to roll out more features and expand into more regions as soon as possible.

MacroVerse is a unique cloud service that helps partners create new commercial opportunities and developers create applications faster, with higher quality, and less work – and who at the end of the day wouldn’t like that?

Article Source: HuaWei

Article Source: HuaWei

Disclaimer: Any views and/or opinions expressed in this post by individual authors or contributors are their personal views and/or opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views and/or opinions of Huawei Technologies.

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