Two Project Valerie Prototypes Stolen From CES, Razer Offers Reward For Return

A CES thief has made off with some of Razer’s incredibly valuable property–two of its triple-display Project Valerie laptops.

Razer CEO Min-Lian Tan first announced the theft via Twitter and Facebook early this morning, but the company has now issued an official statement

This note is to confirm that two Razer Project Valerie laptop prototypes were stolen from the Razer booth at CES. The product was taken from the Razer press room at approximately 4 p.m. on Sunday, January 8, 2017. A $25,000 reward is being offered for original information leading to the identification, arrest and conviction of a criminal suspect. Razer, in its sole discretion, will decide who is entitled to a reward and in what amount. Razer may pay only a portion of the maximum reward offered. The decision will be based primarily upon law enforcement’s evaluation of the value of the information provided. When there are multiple claimants, the reward will be shared in amounts determined by Razer. Razer associates are not eligible for the reward. This reward offer is good for one year from the date it is first offered, unless extended by Razer. Information about the theft can be sent to [email protected]. Razer will not publicly disclose material that it receives or details about respondents, except to those persons with whom Razer is directly working to resolve this matter or as may be required by law.

The theft occurred during what was likely a chaotic teardown of Razer’s suite on the Las Vegas Convention show floor. Note that there’s a $25,000 reward for information leading to the guilty party, good for a year from today.

It’s impossible to know at this time if the theft of these prototypes is the result of run-of-the-mill shameful thuggery or an act of corporate espionage. We do know that Razer has other prototypes safely stashed elsewhere, so fortunately for the engineers and product designers who have worked on this project, all is not lost.

If you have information to share with Razer, you can do so by emailing its legal team.

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